The Ulster Athletics Archive aims to record all Ulster championship race results past and present in one location.
Currently there are no publicly available records of past events. There is a strong possibility that some information held offline will be lost or has already been lost. This platform will allow the running community of Ulster to build a comprehensive list of results so that it can be preserved for the future.
New Calculators! Since Cool Running is no more here are some of the same stuff from that site. Let me know if you spot something wrong as I will not be held responsible for messing up your PBs =).
If you have any questions, queries or need help please email:
If the site proves to be popular and the archive grows the following features will be added.
If you have suggestions of what you would like to see let us know.
Name | Records Added |
John Black | 1257 |
NI Running | 1103 |
Annadale Striders | 121 |
Andy Gregg | 89 |
John Glover | 48 |
Steven Donegan | 6 |
Aaron Rush | 3 |